Our Vision

The MennoCast is a platform for genuine, enriching, and stimulating conversations about faith from an Anabaptist perspective. As followers of Jesus, and pastors within the Mennonite Church Canada tradition, we’ve seen how much the focus has shifted to local congregations as the hub of Christian ministry. But the Church is so much bigger than just our local expressions. This is our way of connecting the church together, listening to each other’s voices, and inviting others to journey together with us.


Our Podcast Hosts


Ryan Dueck

Ryan Dueck grew up on a farm in southern Alberta which was a part of his life for nearly thirty years. In 2002, he went back to university and studied philosophy at the University of Lethbridge, followed by graduate studies in theology at Regent College in Vancouver. Then it was off to Vancouver Island where Ryan served as associate pastor at Neighbourhood Church in Nanaimo for three years. In 2011, Ryan returned to his roots in Alberta where he currently serves as pastor at Lethbridge Mennonite Church. Writing is one of his main passions and he has maintained a blog for over fourteen years (ryandueck.com) which contains reflections on theology and culture.

Ryan is a husband to Naomi and father of young adult twins, Claire and Nicholas. Outside of church-y activities, Ryan enjoys reading, riding his motorcycle, hockey, soccer, and pretty much any sport involving a racquet.


Moses Falco

Moses grew up most of his life in Toronto, Ontario. After high school, he spent two years in Germany and returned to Canada engaged to Jessica who he met at Bodenseehof Bible School. He moved to Winnipeg from Toronto which also meant moving away from his parents and four brothers. In 2016, Moses graduated from Canadian Mennonite University after studying communications, media, and theology. Called into ministry by the leadership of Sterling Mennonite Fellowship, he began pastoring in September of 2015. Since then, he’s also been studying part-time at Providence Theological Seminary. Jessica and Moses are the proud parents of Clara who was born in April 2020. When he’s not in the church office, in meetings, or visiting people, he loves spending time with his family, sports, music, photography, and reading. Moses blogs and shares regularly at mosesfalco.com.


Carrie Lehn

Originally from southern Ontario, Carrie graduated from Canadian Mennonite University with a degree in theology. Before moving to Ottawa, and taking her current position as Youth & Associate Pastor at Ottawa Mennonite Church in 2013, Carrie worked with at-risk youth and also served at Weetamah Salvation Army Church in Winnipeg. Carrie has a passion for youth ministry and finds God in the church basement with her youth group.

Carrie is an avid paddler, and when she isn’t riding her motorcycle around the city, she usually has a kayak atop her car. Her other loves are her partner Sarah, volleyball, and a good Kijiji deal. 


Advisory Group

We’ve gathered an awesome group of advisors from across Canada to help us along the way. We are grateful for their wisdom, vision, and support!

Arlyn Friesen Epp (CommonWord)
Michele Rizoli (Toronto United Mennonite Church, Ontario)
Jose Luis Moraga (Springfield Heights Mennonite Church, Manitoba)
Nora Pederberg (Osler Mennonite Church, Saskatchewan)
Caleb Kowalko (Calgary First Mennonite Church, Alberta)
Darnell Barkman (Yarrow United Mennonite Church, British Columbia)



Special Thanks

Special thanks go to:
Nick Dueck for creating our music.
Mennonite Church Eastern Canada for providing us with a seed grant.
CommonWord and Herald Press for co-sponsoring our resource give-aways.
Mennonite Church Canada for supporting and partnering with us.